Dos Mundos
Julio Aguirre

Jury Statement

“Dos Mundos” by Julio Aguirre is a panoply featuring numerous Mexican historical occurrences along with significant cultural facets. It portrays the customs, history, and the daily life that distinguish Mexico today. The designer effectively represents historical periods alongside contemporary instances in a harmonious and coherent manner, highlighting the uniqueness of the country and presenting a comprehensive identity to his project. His selection of important figures progresses from the ancient Mayas to today’s Mexican film director, screenwriter, producer, and novelist Guillermo Del Toro. His choice of figures connects the past to the present at a glance, while weighing the historical influences that have marked the country. Aguirre successfully translates Mexico’s culture, history, and traditions in forty-five symbols that are perfectly executed and that present different peculiar attributes of Mexico in a thorough and cohesive approach. His flawless rendering skills seem effortless, clean, and unpretentious, yet they highlight the complexity and richness of this civilization.

Dos Mundos

Project description by the author
Mexico is a country rich in history, tradition, and culture. It is an immensely diverse domain that varies drastically in its regions within Mexico as a whole. From the ancient Mayan and Aztec presence, to the European conquest; all have played a huge role in shaping and defining the country Mexico is today. There has been a constant struggle to finding a cohesive identity throughout the course of history. There was an historic struggle to try and keep the native traditions, while adapting to the Spanish presence, and this has helped shape modern Mexico. Mexico has evolved and become a unique country with an identity that pulls influences from the best of both worlds. This unique timeline propelled me to produce 45 symbols that describe the culture, history, and traditions of both past and present Mexico. I decided to illustrate the symbols as glyphs influenced by the Aztec and Mayan cultures, to give a presence to the people who were natives of this land. Mexico has evolved drastically, yet the evidence of past cultures and events are still present everywhere today.

Julio Aguirre

Julio Aguirre is a Graphic Design student at the University of Houston. Julio had chosen the pathway to become a rockstar, but decided to change his career and share his creativity through design. Has a great obsession with detail and won’t be satisfied with his work until there’s no loose ends.