Deltas in Danger
River deltas are unique and multifaceted landscapes. As a habitat for numerous plants and animals, they are preserving the planetary biodiversity. Additionally, deltas have always been popular places of settlement for human kind due to their strategic position for trade. Various global urban centers have been built on river deltas: fertile soil, natural resources for forestry and meadowland, fish farming, natural gasoline, and drinking water supply are convincing arguments.
Tragically, the river deltas are in danger because of several reasons: climate change evokes the constant rise of the sea level; embankment dams — built along the rivers — prevent sediments from being transported as needed material to protect the delta; and the intense economic use compounds the situation even more.
These symbols are based on the mechanic vision of satellites that show the beauty and diversity of selected river deltas. The circular form symbolizes the resilience of a functioning ecosystems and, at the same time, reminds of planets. The void areas show the destruction of the deltas caused by humankind. This project aims to use the clash of the “beauty at first glance” with the depiction of the cruel and alarming impact of human kind to rise awareness for these fragile ecosystems.
Lena Meier
Lena Meier is a 23 year old BA-student in Visual Communication at the Academy of Art and Design, Basel. She expects to graduate in 2018.